Top 11 Running Errors to Avoid for Injury-Free Training and Faster PRs

Depending on who you ask, about 30-65% of runners are injured yearly. This statistic is far too high when you consider that runners typically are not getting tackled or experiencing collisions like cyclists often do. The good news is that many of the injuries runners have to deal with can be avoided or minimized. So, we’ve created a list of…

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The Gait Cycle for ‘Serious’ Runners

In our last article we took you through the importance of running efficiency and how. This time we will take you through the gait cycle and how your form can be improved. The running gait cycle can be simplified into two main phases: the swing and stance phases with several sub-phases within each of these. (15) The stance phase or…

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Is there a right way to run?

Is there a right way to run? Is it chi? Or is it the pose method? Should we land on our mid foot, heel, or forefoot? There is no perfect way to run, however, like swimming there are some common biomechanical techniques we can learn to develop.  The first thing we learn to do when we start swimming is technique.…

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