This metabolic test is an excellent indicator of aerobic fitness. Athletes with higher VO2 max values can tolerate higher exercise intensity and volume than those whose VO2 max values indicate lower levels of conditioning. Athletes with higher VO2 can also recover from an aerobic work more efficiently. VO2 max can be increased by workout intensities at specific sub-max VO2 percentages. Your lactate threshold can be estimated during the VO2 max test or it can be actually measured during the lactate profile test. During the V02 max test, the lactate threshold is estimated using metabolic parameters like VO2 & VCO2. Elite endurance athletes have a high lactate profile, typically 80 percent to 90 percent of their VO2 max. This testing allows for observation of macronutrient utilization at different intensities of exercise. You will gain insight into how your body is performing under different workloads and whether the type of work you are doing is getting you closer to your goals.

Your resting metabolic rate tells you the amount of calories your body burns when at rest.
The RMR test can help you with energy balance, weight management, and your nutrition planning. By knowing your resting metabolic rate you are more equipped to equipped to achieve your nutrition and athletic goals.
This test is great for all levels of people from the general population to athletes. This requires breathing into a tube with your nose pinched while in a resting position.
What is the purpose of lactate testing?
The primary purpose of lactate testing is to measure the development of energy systems.
The secondary purpose of lactate testing is to measure progress or change in the development of each energy system. Therefore we recommend trying to retest every 6-12 weeks.
The primary physiological objective of training is to maximize the rate of energy release for the event that the athlete is preparing for. To do that the athlete has to train correctly.
Thus, the third use of lactate testing is to be able to set training intensities.
To get a bigger picture we will also measure your anaerobic capacities and your ability to clear lactate.
It will typically take 5-6 tests over a period of 6-9 months or even longer before the coach or athlete really understands the physiology of an athlete.
Lactate testing is an extremely physiologically marker that can be used to identify appropriate training zones as FTP test and other field test are based off a percentage.
Lactate threshold is the point where the buildup of lactic acid begins to sharply rise. Your muscles are producing more lactic acid than your organs can clear. This is the duration that athletes can train at 40-60 minutes and up to around 75 minutes for elites.
Lactate is extremely use for the coach and athlete.
- It provides a profile of aerobic and anaerobic conditioning levels. This profile tells the coach what has to be trained for a peak performance and indicates the type of training to prescribe for the next training cycle.
- Test results over time show changes in this profile. This will indicate if the training has had the desired effect or if the athlete is not adapting in the desired way.
- It indicates the training intensities and volume that an athlete can withstand in order to increase aerobic capacity.
- It provides an ongoing check on the training of the athlete to ensure that the workouts are within the desired intensity range. This is a safeguard to ensure that no unforeseen adaptations take place.
- It can help determine training dosage and if you rely more on fast twitch muscle fibers or slow twitch muscle fibers.
The lactate test requires that you give blood samples through a simple lancet device that is applied to a test strip and analyzed by the blood lactate analyzer.

Test duration is 15 min.
Location: Tyler, TX

Body composition analysis measures the amount of fat versus lean muscle tissue as a percentage of an athlete’s total weight. Knowing your body composition can help keep you on track towards your fitness and racing related goals.
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- Full-body structural, range-of-motion, strength, and multi-plane running analysis.
- Personal consult and review of findings with one of our RunLab Gait Specialists.
- Movement Analysis Profile, a comprehensive 14-page report breaking down everything you need to know about the way you move and where you need to focus on strength, range-of-motion, and technique here.